Omoluabi Progressives

Omoluabi Charter

Omoluabi Caucus Charter


We, the members of the Omoluabi Caucus of the All Progressives Congress, recognizing the legacy of progressive ideology and the noble values that have guided our political journey, hereby establish this charter to renew our commitment to the principles of progressivism and to usher in a new era of responsible and effective governance in the state of Osun.

Article I: Purpose and Objectives

The Omoluabi Caucus is dedicated to upholding the ideals of progressivism as exemplified by Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Michael Adekunle Ajasin, Chief Abraham Adesanya, Chief Bola Ige, and other visionary leaders who have shaped our political heritage.

Our primary objective is to reinvigorate the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Osun by infusing it with unwavering integrity, discipline, and competence in leadership.

We are committed to the welfare and development of the people of Osun, with a focus on leveraging our collective strength to improve their lives and ensure a prosperous future for all.

In establishing the Omoluabi Caucus of the All Progressives Congress (APC), we are driven by a profound commitment to:

  • Consolidate the rich legacy and heritage of progressivism that has guided our political journey.
  • Acknowledge and honour the progressive leadership that has shaped our region and our nation throughout history.
  • Dedicate ourselves to the unwavering pursuit of delivering the greatest benefits to the widest range of people, upholding their well-being as our ultimate priority.

Article II: Core Values

Progressivism: We embrace progressive ideologies that prioritize the well-being of the people and champion policies that promote social justice, economic prosperity, and equitable distribution of resources.

Omoluabi Ethos: We are guided by the Omoluabi ethos, which emphasizes character, integrity, and moral excellence. Our members strive to embody these virtues in all their actions.

Discipline: Discipline is the cornerstone of our approach to governance and leadership. We value self-control, accountability, and the ability to work in harmony towards common goals.

Competence: We recognize that effective governance requires not only strong character but also the necessary skills and expertise to deliver on our promises and fulfill the aspirations of our constituents.

Inclusivity: We welcome all individuals regardless of ethnicity, religion, socio-economic background, or age. Our focus is on shared values and commitment to progress.

Article III: Objectives and Strategies


Political Rejuvenation: We will revitalize the APC in Osun by fostering unity, cohesion, and a shared vision among members. We aim to restore public trust in our party’s ability to govern effectively.

Leadership Development: We are dedicated to identifying and nurturing emerging leaders who embody the Omoluabi values. We will provide training, mentorship, and resources to equip them for responsible leadership roles.

Good Governance: We commit to responsible and transparent governance that serves the best interests of the people. Our policies and decisions will be rooted in progressive ideals and the needs of our constituents.

Community Engagement: We will actively engage with communities across Osun, listening to their concerns, and collaboratively developing solutions to address pressing issues.


Strategy 1: Strengthening Party Unity and Governance

The caucus will address the current state of disarray within the APC by focusing on improving the overall structure and leadership effectiveness. The goal is to establish a cohesive and well-organized party hierarchy that ensures transparent decision-making processes and accountability. Regular meetings at all levels will be implemented to aggregate opinions, ideas, and views, fostering an environment where diverse perspectives are valued. By enhancing party unity and governance, the caucus aims to create a more unified and purposeful APC.

Strategy 2: Promoting Democratic Values and Member Participation

Omoluabi Caucus will reinvigorate democratic values within the party. The Osun APC has been marred by arbitrary decision-making and dictatorial tendencies, leading to disenchantment among members. To address this, the caucus plans to champion democratic principles, including the promotion of participatory decision-making. By emphasizing inclusivity, transparency, and respect for differing viewpoints, the objective is to reengage members and restore their enthusiasm and commitment to the party.

Strategy 3: Enhancing Electoral Viability and Democratic Ideals

The Caucus recognizes the necessity of a strong internal party framework for electoral success. The experience of the past where a lack of internal cohesion led to electoral setbacks is taken as a lesson. The caucus aims to ensure that internal unity and commitment to party ideals are robust enough to secure victories in upcoming elections. By doing so, the caucus seeks to prevent a repeat of past electoral misfortunes and uphold the democratic principles that the APC stands for.

Strategy 4: Fostering Responsible Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement

Party elders and stakeholders have been passive in addressing the current state of affairs, which poses a risk to the party’s electoral fortunes. The caucus plans to engage these influential figures, encouraging their active participation and input to rectify the situation. By holding leaders accountable and ensuring their actions align with the party’s democratic principles, the caucus aims to restore confidence and direction within the party.

Strategy 5: Reclaiming Democratic Invincibility and Grassroots Empowerment

The Caucus will also focus on revitalizing the party at the grassroots level. To achieve this, the caucus will reconnect with local members and empower them to take ownership of the party’s activities. Through grassroots mobilization and engagement, the caucus aims to create a stronger foundation for the APC’s resurgence. By empowering local members, the caucus seeks to reestablish the party’s democratic invincibility and grassroots support that have been crucial to its past successes.

In summary, these strategies will rejuvenate the APC in Osun by addressing internal disarray, restoring democratic principles, enhancing electoral prospects, fostering responsible leadership, and empowering grassroots members. The Omoluabi Caucus seeks to create a unified, accountable, and vibrant party that is capable of effectively representing the people’s interests and securing electoral victories.

Article IV: Implementation

Omoluabi Development Programs

We will organize regular character-building and vocational training programs for our members to enhance their leadership skills and ethical values.

Policy Advocacy

We will advocate for policies that align with our core values and prioritize the well-being of the people of Osun. We will work collaboratively to draft and promote legislation that reflects these principles.


We will foster collaboration with other caucuses and groups within the APC, recognizing that a united front is essential for achieving our common goals.

Article V: Conclusion

We, the members of the Omoluabi Caucus, affirm our commitment to the progressive ideals that have shaped our political heritage. With unwavering determination, disciplined leadership, and a focus on the welfare of the people, we aim to restore the reputation of the APC in Osun and usher in a new era of prosperity, justice, and progress for all.

Adopted by the Omoluabi Caucus of the All Progressives Congress, Osun State Chapter on this 22nd day of August, 2023.

Alh. Azeez Issa Adesiji


Omoluabi Progressives


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